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Have you ever felt the need to re-evaluate where everything is going?
Had that sense that something needs to change but you’re not sure what exactly?
It might be one thing, or several and in some cases, it might be everything.

Be it your relationship, work, friendships or family, when you think or feel that parts of your life are not where they should be, it can be challenging to keep your life moving forward.

That was me recently.

First, I could see I had to end a significant relationship. Ending a relationship is never easy and we often let issues drag on well past their expiry date, hoping the relationship will get better. Though there were many things I appreciated about this person I could no longer deny we had a clear clash on some values that are important to me. It was costing me more spiritual, mental, emotional and physical energy than I could justify.

Second, I simply had too many things I was attempting to do within in my business. This was going against my belief that to be successful, people should focus on doing a select few things well. Alternatively, if there is a need to do more things, then engaging help, outsourcing or delegating is the answer. Not taking it all on solo and trying to be super human.

So, I hit the pause button. Aside from already scheduled coaching sessions, I stopped everything else.

Side note: If you’re thinking this is why I haven’t emailed in a while, you’re spot on. I gave myself permission to pause and re-evaluate. Hitting the pause button on everything has resulted in significant improvements in all areas of my life, including the way I communicate. I hope, as I continue to stay in touch, you’ll agree with me.

“Have you ever felt the need to hit the pause button?”

‘Stop the world, I want to get off!’

Hitting the pause button can be so valuable and effective. In my case, it allowed me the space to take in deep breaths, clear my mind and ask:

What does my soul need?

The answers that made my priority list were:

  • Complete a significant relationship with forgiveness, love and integrity
  • Write the second draft of my novel (the next step toward finishing it)
  • Get smarter and more efficient with business development
  • Continue working with my coaching clients
  • Continue being location independent and running my business online
  • Re-run my group coaching program
  • Relationships with friends
  • Exercise and sugar-free nutrition

Just writing this list made me feel lighter so I knew I was getting closer to soul-alignment. The list also helped to highlight what I felt I was doing well and the gaps and issues.

There were several things on this list that made me feel really happy. This is a distinct benefit of taking time to think – it allows the good things in your life to rise to the top again.

There were also things that clearly needed to be transformed and over the last few weeks I’ve had conversations (many of them tough) with myself and others to make necessary changes and further the process of soul alignment.

One of these changes was asking for help from colleagues and guess what? It arrived in abundance! This has resulted in a re-energising of my business and over the coming weeks, I’ve got a few exciting things to share with you.

If you’re thinking you might need to pause and re-evaluate, here a few questions to ask yourself:

  • What is most important to me right now?
  • What is causing me the most stress?
  • What does my life look like without this stress?
  • How can I create this life?

If you’re struggling to answer these questions but want to significantly reduce the stress in your life, I can help. Contact me at: